Commercial Investigation
How Are Counterfeit Investigations Charged?
Unbelievable selling prices often indicate problems with the goods and potential criminal activity. These issues could stem from poorly made counterfeit items or stolen goods of illegal origin. Buyers who spend money on counterfeit products support a crucial supply-and-demand balance.
The effectiveness of combating counterfeits highlights a country’s level of advancement. Nations flooded with counterfeit goods are usually labor-intensive manufacturing hubs with weaker average consumer purchasing power than advanced countries. However, the human tendency to desire branded luxury items—especially among fashion-conscious individuals—fuels the proliferation of counterfeit products. Counterfeit goods are most rampant in categories such as handbags and apparel. In addition to street markets and specific word-of-mouth channels, online auction platforms are the most common marketplaces for selling counterfeit products. Identifying counterfeits is not difficult, but investigating counterfeit products is both the most critical and risky task.
Handling Counterfeit Investigations
Agencies like Lex Solution Investigations or federal task forces handle such cases based on specific prerequisites. Complainants must provide evidence of counterfeiting and intellectual property infringement for cases to be accepted. This evidence enables agencies to apply for search warrants, seize counterfeit goods, and arrest perpetrators, including their masterminds and accomplices.
One of the most common evidence-gathering methods for counterfeit investigations involves establishing purchasing procedures and documenting transactions. However, victims of counterfeiting or intellectual property infringement—including individuals or law firms—often worry about exposure during investigations. Due to the risks associated with confronting counterfeiters, these parties usually avoid acting as buyers themselves. Instead, they commission private investigative firms like Lex Solution Investigations to handle the evidence collection.
Costs for Evidence Collection of Counterfeit Purchases
In cases of counterfeiting, investigators from private firms often work closely with clients to support related litigation and compensation claims. Consequently, private investigative firms include future court appearance fees in their pricing structure. Expenses for purchasing counterfeit items are reimbursed by the client on an actual-cost basis.
The fees for counterfeit investigations vary depending on the complexity and difficulty of the evidence-gathering process. Reputable investigative firms with practical experience and confidence in resolving counterfeit infringement cases typically offer a fee structure designed to build client trust. This structure often includes low upfront fees and minimal initial costs, coupled with high-performance bonuses upon successful case resolution. Given the significant stakes involved in counterfeit investigations, it is crucial to agree on a timeline for the investigation, conditions for refunding fees if the assignment is not completed as agreed, and terms for closing the case.
A low upfront fee combined with a high success bonus benefits the client. Clients should negotiate this type of fee structure with the investigative firm handling the case to achieve the best outcome.