Counterfeit Investigation

Counterfeit Investigation

Are Counterfeit Products Cheaper?

“Why not just buy the knockoff version? It works just as well, right?”

The mindset of buying counterfeit goods often stems from the desire to get a bargain, a mentality that is common among many consumers. Some counterfeit items are so similar in design and quality to the originals that the only difference is the brand label.

However, purchasing counterfeit goods severely infringes on the intellectual property rights of creators. It is a blatant act of theft, taking the hard work and innovation of the designers, developers, and creators, and profiting from it without permission. To effectively combat counterfeiting, education at the root level is necessary, as investigations can only address the symptoms rather than the cause.

Some sellers of counterfeit goods even tell customers, “This product is made in the same factory as the original, it just doesn’t have the brand logo, but everything else is identical.”

In reality, investigations conducted by private investigators on counterfeit cases have uncovered instances where OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) products were leaked and sold as high-end counterfeit goods. Many of the so-called “Grade A” counterfeits on the market are actually such products.

Why would counterfeiters risk selling illegal goods? The simple answer is that counterfeiting can bring huge profits.

Many businesses invest substantial amounts of money and time developing products, materials, processes, new technologies, and revolutionary innovations. When these products are counterfeited, it can severely impact the company’s revenue and operational stability. As a result, many companies apply for patents to protect their innovations and will go to great lengths to defend their intellectual property rights. They often hire private investigators to conduct counterfeit investigations and, if necessary, pursue legal action against counterfeiters to protect both their business interests and consumer rights.

The only effective way to fight counterfeiting and stop counterfeit products from flooding the market is to track down the manufacturers, warehouses, wholesalers, and distribution channels involved.

For product counterfeit investigations, evidence collection, filing reports, legal proceedings, mediation, and settlement services, please contact us immediately.