Asset Investigation

Asset Investigation

Asset Investigation and Property Investigation

Over the past five years, Lex Solution Investigations has handled an increasing number of high-level asset investigations and property inquiries. With the economic recession in recent years, we have witnessed numerous instances of deteriorating business environments and financial hardships. In other words, we have had to adapt our asset investigation methods to uncover valuable properties. Although the value and scope of assets have significantly risen over the years, the goal remains the same: to make professional and accurate assessments of whether valuable assets exist, enabling courts to swiftly adjudicate and effectively enforce asset dispositions.

Asset Investigation Focuses on Organizations or Legal Entities

What is Corporate Property Ownership? Corporate property ownership refers to the property rights of legal entities, including operational rights. It signifies the rights granted to corporate entities to possess, use, profit from, and dispose of assets assigned by the asset owners. This type of property right emerged alongside the establishment of corporate systems.

Corporate property ownership is predicated on the existence of corporate entities and is a result of the development of market economies. In the advanced stages of market economies, particularly during the modern corporate era, businesses become independent legal entities. Corporate property rights are then separated from original ownership rights. Business owners, often a diverse group of shareholders, no longer hold exclusive ownership, as it becomes decentralized and diversified. The original singular ownership is divided into primary ownership and corporate property rights. Moreover, the interests of shareholders (owners), board members (controllers), operators, and producers form interdependent interest groups that collectively influence the operations of a business.

The Content of Corporate Property Ownership The primary elements of corporate property rights include:

  1. Asset Adjustment Rights: The right to increase or decrease assets, thereby expanding or reducing the scope of business operations.

  2. Operational Object Determination: The right to decide the types and quantities of goods or services to be produced or exchanged.

  3. Operational Method Determination: The right to decide the levels of technology and resource combinations employed in production and operations.

  4. Investment Rights: The right of the corporation, as an investment entity, to fund new ventures, acquire or sell shares in other businesses.

  5. Asset Disposal Rights: The right to change the form of assets, such as selling products, purchasing equipment or raw materials (converting products to currency or currency to production materials), selling or leasing production facilities, or engaging in securities transactions like buying or selling stocks and bonds.

Property Investigation Focuses on Individuals

For individuals, property investigations cover a wide range of assets, including:

  • Bank account balances

  • Real estate ownership, such as houses and land

  • Vehicles

  • Stocks

  • Antiques and collectibles

Any asset that can be monetized or traded is subject to inclusion in personal property investigations.

Effective Techniques for Uncovering Hidden Assets Lex Solution Investigations has found that one of the most effective techniques for locating hidden assets is surveillance. Modern property investigations often incorporate surveillance to monitor the subject’s movements over a period of time. This method frequently uncovers valuable information that, when combined with traditional asset investigation methods, reveals ownership of various undisclosed assets.

In the past, assets such as foreign-registered vessels, yachts, cars, offshore funds, vacation homes, rental properties, foreign bank accounts, and other secure storage facilities may have remained undiscovered without the implementation of surveillance measures by investigative agencies. Modern monitoring techniques have made uncovering these assets far more feasible and effective.